Fifty things everyone must do at least once while in Rio:
1 - Walk through Jardim Botânico
2 - Hang glide from Pedra Bonita
3 - Have a few chopps at Bar Luiz
4 - Eat espetinhos in São Cristóvão
5 - Take the children to the Planetarium
6 - Have a few batidas at Academia da Cachaça
7 - Eat carne-seca at Jobi
8 - Spend an afternoon at the Paço Imperial
9 - Eat casquinha de siri at Prainha
10- Go to a Fla-Flu game at Maracanã
11- Eat biscoito de polvilho on Leblon beach
12- Ride bikes around the Lagoa
13- Spend a Saturday at the Cobal
14- Go to a concert at Sala Cecília Meireles
15- Relax at Parque Lage
16- Have your photo stamped on a plate at Pão de Açúcar
17- Look for your home or hotel from Corcovado
18- See an art exhibit at MAM
19- Listen to a Gregorian chant at the Mosteiro de São Bento
20- Drink batidas de coco at Bar do Oswaldo
21- Go to a Sunday concert at the Theatro Municipal
22- See Getúlio Vargas' bed at Museu da República
23- Eat moqueca at Bira's in Guaratiba
24- Spend New Year's Eve on Copacabana beach
25- Have lunch downtown at Confeitaria Colombo
26- Visit the Museu Chácara do Céu
27- Eat carne do sol in Santa Teresa
28- Visit N.S. da Glória church
29- Get a tattoo in Arpoador
30- Read at the the Real Gabinete Português library
31- Have afternoon tea at Forte de Copacabana while watching the lights go on on Av. Atlântica
32- Drink a graviola juice at Bibi Sucos in Leblon
33- Watch a film at Instituto Moreira Salles
34- Dance forró at the Feira de São Cristóvão
35- Buy ceramics at the Museu de Folclore Edison Carneiro
36- Eat seafood and watch live Brazilian popular music at Casarão Ameno Rosedá
37- Ride the bonde in Santa Teresa
38- Stroll along the Claudio Coutinho path in Urca at sunset
39- Walk to the waterfall in Paineiras
40- Go to a rehearsal at the Salgueiro Samba School, and dance the samba!
41- Parade with a samba school at the Sambódromo
42- Spend an afternoon on Paquetá Island
43- Dance cheek to cheek at the Gafieira Estudantina
44- Climb the Selarón Steps
45- Enjoy an ice cold beer at Bar da Urca
46- Eat a risotto at Bar da Dona Maria (Café e Bar Brotinho) in Tijuca
47- Go up the favela and listen to live jazz at The MAZE
48- Visit the Cidade do Samba
49- Climb the trail up Pedra Bonita
50- Applaud the sunset at Ipanema beach
(Many thanks and much appreciation for contributions to this list by readers at VejaRio)
Este blog serve a dois objetivos: - funcionar como um guia turístico para que os hóspedes do Rio Lapa Inn Hostel possam orientar-se e curtir a Lapa e o Rio intensamente. - contribuir com textos, informações de qualidade, links e novidades para que os leitores aumentem mais o seu conhecimento sobre esse bairro fantástico da Cidade Maravilhosa.